Thursday, November 29, 2012

Higher Education is Anything BUT

Higher Education is Anything BUT.
            Not to be outdone by the political or entertainment realms --- such as they are anymore --- in terms serving any useful purpose, college academia has tumbled down a perilous slope toward outright obsolescence. There it is. I’ve said it. If you don’t like it, log onto ebay and buy yourself a lovely imitation Tiffany lampshade to shelter you from reality a while longer. Here, I'll even give you their link:

            That being said, let's Cut to the Chase! Having fallen prey to Liberal think-tankers the way dope dealers prey on innocent children at your neighborhood middle school, the average college graduate’s only discernible skill is sucking down the perverted ideologies of their professors, and projectile-vomiting them at unsuspecting bystanders faster than Wyatt Earp could sling his trusty Schofield  “44”.
            As manager of a nationally-known retail store, I’ve had the disillusioning experience of hiring some of these numb-nuts who were attending, or had recently graduated from, local colleges. With perhaps slight variation, most were pretty much the same:  They could spew Communist politics ‘till they’re blue in the face but couldn’t count change. They could bend your ear six-ways-to-Sunday about organic food, cross-cultural issues or that the Apollo moon landings were staged on a New York alfalfa farm; but when it came to work ethics and people skills, they were patently clueless. And they sure as hell couldn’t sell.  In a nutshell, I would call them intellectual but useless.
            My father had been an associate professor at a large Ohio university starting in the early 1960’s. A little over 30 years and a full professorship later, he retired  --- and to this day maintains that it wasn’t a moment too soon. In his three decades at the university, he watched it decline from a stately institution of higher learning to an over-stimulated welfare state and a breeding ground for left-wing political correctness, often enforced by organized coercion or worse.    

            But there was something else, even worse. The very demeanor of the graduates it spawned became shockingly arrogant and self-indulgent --- sharp as nickel-plated pistols when it came to expectations, entitlements and rights, but on matters like responsibility and accountability, there seemed little evidence of recognition or acceptance. Indeed, about the only thing they appeared to be good at was seeking out like-minded disciples and relegating most everyone else to second class citizenship ---at best!         

            Truth be known, I blame the Disease of Liberalism for most of what plagues America these days, and may well finish us altogether. I blame it for the shocking decline in our moral values and the ineffectiveness of our children’s schools. I blame it for the virtual ruin of the traditional family unit, what had been the very pulse of our country’s strength (while we still had it.) And I blame it for the heart-breaking erosion of America’s identity and independence in the world, as it jubilantly subjugates American rights and liberties to the unspeakable bidding of the United Nations --- itself sufficiently evil as to make the Nazi Party look like the Mickey Mouse Club.

           So let's hear it for today's colleges and the pablum-spewing zombies they so earnestly spawn :
Hip hip, GO AWAY! 


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