Sunday, November 11, 2012

Like as Not, We Got What We Desrved

Politically-speaking, if you're anywhere to the right of, say, Chairman Mao or Karl Marx (he's the one who played the harp, right?), then I'm guessing you're about as pleased as I am with the outcome of last Tuesday's elections. That being said, let's Cut to the Chase!

I have since learned that while the Democrats had a decreased presence at the polls this year, so did Republicans --- in the latter case to the tune of something like three million. People, wake up and smell the...heck, forget smelling...just wake up!  

Those three million votes --- maybe even fewer --- was the margin of the President's victory!

If we learn nothing else from this disappointing event, besides that we had dealt a good man (even by Mr. Obama's reckoning) the heartbreak of his life, let it be that voter complacency never did, and never will, deliver us to any worthwhile outcome. Let me put this another way: we got exactly what we deserved.  js

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